Auto Repair Services in Hartford, WI
The best thing you can give your car is a mechanic that cares about keeping it in the best possible condition. At Pat Doll Automotive LLC, we’ll service your vehicle from top to bottom, bumper to bumper. Our shop covers all major systems and issues, and we’re determined to keep your car reliable, road-ready and operating efficiently for as long as you own it.
Our ASE-certified mechanics rely not only on their years of experience with auto repair services, but also on superior tools and equipment to help them work quickly and address your vehicle’s needs completely. We’re committed to you and your vehicle, and we show it in the high-caliber work we do.
Schedule an Appointment
Contact us and schedule your auto repair services with Pat Doll Automotive LLC today at 262-673-3760 to learn more about our repair capabilities. We want to be the shop in Hartford, Slinger, or Thompson, WI you put your trust in when the time for auto repair services, vehicle maintenance, or brake repair, comes due.