Category Archives: Auto Maintenance

Auto Fluids You Should Check

One of the most valuable assets that someone will ever own is their vehicle. When you are a car owner, you’ll want to make sure that you’re maintaining properly and keeping it in good condition. One part of this is ensuring that all of your vehicle fluids are full and clean at all times. There […]

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The Top 5 Reasons Why Your Check Engine Light Turned On

Every car owner has been there. You are enjoying your drive, and suddenly the “check engine” light turns on. In such moments, your first worry is to panic. Why is my check engine light turned on? Will my car suddenly stop running in the middle of the road? If you are in an isolated place, […]

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Common Car Noises and What They Mean

There are tons of signs that something’s wrong with your vehicle, but some of the leading indicators are weird car noises. Generally speaking, you should bring your car to a mechanic as soon as you hear anything strange coming from your car. Keep reading to learn a few common car noises to be aware of. […]

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Why Your Car Won’t Start on a Cold Morning

There’s nothing more annoying than dealing with a car that won’t start on a winter morning. When temperatures drop, there are several things that can impact the performance of your vehicle, making it difficult to start the engine. If your car is not starting in cold temperatures, here are some of the common causes and […]

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5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Car Battery

A battery is one of the most important components in every vehicle, and it plays a crucial role in both starting and powering a vehicle. Unfortunately, batteries don’t last forever, requiring periodic replacement. How can you tell if you should consider replacing your car battery? Look for these five signs that you should have your […]

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